About the Journal

Editorial Policy

          The Revista Comunicação em Ciências da Saúde (CCS) has three sections: the first publishes articles in the Clinical area with emphasis on general and specialized care; the second section publishes articles on Collective Health encompassing epidemiology, politics, economics, planning, management, and social sciences in health; in the third section, articles are published in the area of Education in the field of health focusing on active teaching methodologies.

          The CCS accepts unpublished works in the form of original articles, essays, integrative review, systematic review, experience reporting, narratives, opinion articles, book reviews of academic, political and social interest, as well as clinical protocols and Cheers.

        The articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish, being prohibited the simultaneous submission in another periodical, in whole or in part.

        The CCS does not charge authors' fees, however in case of approval of the submitted article, the revision of Portuguese language and translations are the sole responsibility of the author (s) and must be done by reviewers and translators accredited by the journal.



          The copyrights are the exclusive property of CCS, transferred through a Copyright Transfer Statement , according to the model available on the magazine page. It is allowed the total or partial reproduction of the works since the source and authorship are identified.