Advance directives from the perspective of ICU professionals




Advance directives, Living wills, Intensive Care Units, Patient Care Team, Personal Autonomy


Introduction: Advance Directives (ADV) consist of the person's prior expression of the care they want for their health when they are unable to express themselves. However, these directives are not widely known by the population, and it is crucial that health professionals have the knowledge to advise on these manifestations. Objective: To verify the knowledge of health professionals, who work in the ICU of two hospitals, about ADV and obtain their assessment of two models being developed. Method: Qualitative-quantitative research, with a questionnaire applied to 35 ICU professionals. Results: 71.4% of the participants had already heard of DAV, 97.1% considered them important, 80% recommended their development, 97.1% considered the models tested to be good and 94.2% considered their regulation necessary. Conclusion: Although some health professionals are not fully familiar with them, the majority recognize the importance of ADV and defend their inclusion in training, the need for national legislation and accessible models.


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How to Cite

Cetolin PHF, Beltrame V, Steffani JA, Cetolin SF, Baptistella AR, Bonamigo EL. Advance directives from the perspective of ICU professionals. Com. Ciências Saúde [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 26 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];35(01). Available from:



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