Use of ozone therapy in the treatment of low back pain: a meta-analysis study


  • Maria Gloria Vicente
  • Leidy Anne Alves Teixeira Anvisa/Brasília
  • Claudia Cristina de Aguiar Pereira Anvisa/Brasília
  • Erika Barbosa Camargo Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz



Low back pain, Ozone therapy, Ozone


Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in reducing pain and quality of life in patients with low back pain. Methods: the search for evidence was carried out on the MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, Cochrane Libary and BIREME databases for the structured question. Results: treatment with conventional therapies was more favorable than ozone therapy. The control and experimental groups evolved to improve low back pain and did not show significant differences between them. Conclusion: there is no strong recommendation evidence in favor of the technology. However, there is also no evidence that it is an unsafe technology. Further studies are needed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the technology.


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How to Cite

Maria Gloria Vicente, Leidy Anne Alves Teixeira, Claudia Cristina de Aguiar Pereira, Barbosa Camargo E. Use of ozone therapy in the treatment of low back pain: a meta-analysis study. Com. Ciências Saúde [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 2 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];31(02):55-64. Available from:



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