Distribuição de tipos moleculares de Cryptococcus gattii no Brasil: uma revisão bibliográfica


  • Joaquim Lucas Júnior Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasília, Brasil.
  • Isabele Barbieri dos Santos Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasília, Brasil.
  • Vitor Laerte Pinto Júnior Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasília, Brasil.
  • André Moraes Nicola Universidade de Brasília. Distrito Federal, Brasil.




Cryptococcus gattii, Cryptococcus, cryptococcosis


Objective: Describe the distribution of Cryptococcus gattii molecular types in Brazil by reviewing studies published until 2016.
Source of data: Review of studies published until 2016 in the DeCS‑BVS site in Portuguese, English or Spanish. The inclusion criterion was description of molecular typing of C. gattii isolates obtained in Brazil. Manuscripts without full text and without molecular information on C. gattii were excluded.

Synthesis of the collected data: We have included ten publications ranging from 2008 to 2016 containing information about the molecular characterization of C. gattii isolates from the four geographic regions of Brazil.
Conclusions: C. gattii is endemic in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, but can also be found in the other regions. The predominant molecular type was VGII, accounting for about 80% of the cases. VGII has very high genetic variability. VGII isolates from the Northeast region are distinct from those found in the North.


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How to Cite

Júnior JL, Santos IB dos, Pinto Júnior VL, Nicola AM. Distribuição de tipos moleculares de Cryptococcus gattii no Brasil: uma revisão bibliográfica. Com. Ciências Saúde [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];27(02):159-66. Available from: https://revistaccs.espdf.fepecs.edu.br/index.php/comunicacaoemcienciasdasaude/article/view/97



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