Biographical trajectories about body weight changes and overweight of women from Family Allowance Program, Brazil


  • Denise Oliveira e Silva Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Brasília, Brasília, Brasil
  • Danielle Cabrini Universidade de Brasília



body weight changes, overweight, obesity, woman, The Family Allowance Program


Objective: to present and discuss results of research on biographical narratives of obese women beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program in Brazil.

Method: this is a description of fifty biographical narratives of women with BMI above 30 kg / m2, from the five Brazilian macro regions, using the life history method. The women were identified by the databases of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System and the Single Register for Social Programs (base year 2015) and the interviews were conducted by telephone.

Results: The construction of the biographical narrative space of the women identified the short stature (median of 1.57m), the predominance of black or brown women (71.6%), born mostly in the northeast region (48.6%), with a mean BMI of 33.9 kg / m2 and a mean weight of 83.0 kg and the linguistic taboos related to the words hunger and obese. In the biographical trajectories, body‑ force and body‑over‑weight constructs were identified. The body‑force internalizes the relations of temporality between the reproductive biological cycles and assumption of the roles of mother and housewife to face the social and economic difficulties of survival. The body‑over‑ weight is an attribution of externality arising from biomedical and aesthetic judgment.

Conclusion: the results can contribute to the advent of new approaches that help the actions of public programs and policies to promote the understanding of the phenomenon of overweight as a historical‑economic and social expression, circumscribed in the biography of the people who live this experience in a country with great social inequalities.


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Author Biographies

Denise Oliveira e Silva, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Brasília, Brasília, Brasil

Observatório Brasileiro de Hábitos Alimentares (OBHA), Programa de Alimentação, Nutrição e Cultura, Fiocruz Brasília

Danielle Cabrini, Universidade de Brasília

Departamento de Nutrição da UnB


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How to Cite

Silva DO e, Cabrini D. Biographical trajectories about body weight changes and overweight of women from Family Allowance Program, Brazil. Com. Ciências Saúde [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 26 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];28(02):216-25. Available from:



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